Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Multi bagger stocks

Multi-bagger stocks that could make you Millionaire, are available even at this level -Nifty at 4000 level. Those stocks that could fetch 3-4 times or even more than the investment made, in 12-18 months can be considered as Muliti-bagger stocks. Looking at the pace of the Indian economy growing, there are some stocks that could satisfy our thirst to mint money by investing in the market.


Arvind Jain said...

sir can post wat are the multi bagger stock/ so we investor benefit. can i also know u r yahoo id /
plz reply

Rajendra said...

I think TIIL will be a good one to watch.

Arvind Jain said...

Sir Rajendra

if i am correct u r owner of this blog

plz confirm

also let me know few more scripp

can i know u r IM Msger
